Hatje Cantz Verlag

101 Danish Design Icons

Hatje Cantz Verlag
101 Danish Design Icons
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    101 Danish Design Icons

    Denmark has long since written international design history. Today, Danish furniture, textiles, and home appliances and utensils from the sixties and seventies are more popular than ever. The beautiful pieces are meanwhile for sale at design galleries and have become a rarity at flea markets. In short, Nordic items for everyday use have become internationally sought-after trophies for sophisticates. This publication provides an extensive overview of those everyday objects that have to this day written design history both in Denmark as well as worldwide. Along with thirty-two leading scholars and journalists, the head of the library and research at the Designmuseum Danmark in Copenhagen, Lars Dybdahl, advances into the fascinating history of the individual objects.


    Artikelnummer 213702

      ISBN: 9783775742122
      Auflage: 1
      Herausgeber: Hatje Cantz Verlag
      Einband: Hardcover
      Maße: B 21,8 × T 4,4 × H 27,6 cm
      Gewicht: 1782 g
      Erscheinungsjahr: 2016
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